Sweet Peas
Sweet Peas are easily grown and few other plants rival sweet peas for scent, colour and the ease at which they can be grown.
Sweet peas can be grown from seed or you can buy young plants from us in spring.
Soaking the seeds before sowing improves germination and we would always recommend sowing these deep rooted plants in containers such as Rootrainers which we always have in stock.
Seeds of sweet peas can be sown in autumn and in early spring. They can also be sown directly into the border in late spring but there is no denying the earliest sown sweet peas produce the best results.
Most have very strong scent and many have long stems making them perfect for cut flowers. We stock the latest improved varieties as well as some of the old heritage sweet pea varieties.
Some of the short varieties of sweet peas are suitable for growing in hanging baskets and in pots.
Sweet peas are remarkably hardy plants and can be planted much earlier in the year than other flowering and bedding plants.