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Onions, Garlic, Shallots & Chives


Onions are one of our most popular vegetables.

We sell onions in several ways.

So called ‘onion sets’ are perhaps the most popular with onion sets on sale in early spring and in autumn.

Onion sets are small onions that have made a small onion bulb but have then been stopped so that, when you plants an onion set, it has a head start.

In autumn we sell winter hardy Japanese Senshyu, Autumn Champion & Red Winter onion sets.

In late spring we often have onion plants in modules ready to plant.

Onions can also be grown from seed with Bedfordshire Champion and Ailsa Craig still being popular onions to grow.

Salad onions often top our seed popularity charts with White Lisbon salad onion [both summer and winter forms] always the most popular salad onion.


Garlic bulbs are a big seller for us.
The best time for planting garlic bulbs is in autumn and early winter but they can also be planted in early spring too.

We sell garlic varieties bred for UK gardens.

Isle of Wight varieties are highly sought after garlic bulbs and we have Rhapsody Wight (a replacement for Early Purple) for impatient growers, this can be harvested from May to June. Kingsland Wight is a hardneck variety with an exceptional flavour.

Elephant garlic is also available – this variety can grow up to a kilo in weight and has a mild flavour.


With their milder flavour and a favourite of celebrity chefs, shallots are increasing in popularity.

Much hardier than onion sets, shallot sets can be planted in the middle of winter. In fact old gardeners always said that you should plant your shallots on the shortest and dig them on the longest day of the year!

In mid winter plant Golden Gourmet and Red Sun shallots.


Chives are so easy to grow and are such useful garnishes in the kitchen.

Plant small pot grown plants at any time of the year.

Sow seed of chives in spring.

Chives are excellent companion plants for organic gardeners since they attract lots of beneficial insects into the garden

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