Houseplants & Succulents
Houseplants in their many forms breathe life into interiors. It’s been proven that the addition of plants in the house creates a sense of well-being and also adds humidity to dry, centrally-heated homes in winter. Some plants are even said to clean pollutants from the air, including Ivy, Pothos and Snake plants. Not only do indoor plants provide health benefits, they make a house a home.
The key to good plant parenting is to try and recreate the plants natural environment as much as possible e.g. light, water, humidity.
We have a fantastic selection of well-tended houseplants and succulents, including the more unusual varieties. This range changes regularly and there is always something new. We always have a selection of baby houseplants, perfect for a terrarium or for growing on at home.
We do things a little differently here and every houseplant label has specific care instructions and information about the plant so you have the best chance of keeping your purchase in tip-top condition. One of the team are usually on-hand to answer any houseplant questions you might have.
We know that every houseplant deserves a beautiful pot so we have a range of pots to suit every taste and budget, including hanging pots for trailing plants.
Pop into the glasshouse and take a look..
Advice on Growing House Plants
Many of the most undemanding houseplants are tropical or subtropical trees or vines that commonly grow beneath the forest canopy, so are used to low to moderate diffuse light, but please remember that the indoor environment can be too dark even for them. Most houseplants will be happy if you can give them a well-lit spot.
However, avoid putting plants on a south-facing windowsill in summer where they could scorch. Many succulents and cacti will thrive there. Flowering plants and those with variegated foliage, need more light than plain green plants, whilst orchids like bright, indirect light, high humidity and fresh air. A dark room or corner can be just right for an aspidistra, ZZ plant or fern. These can be very attractive, especially when a few varieties are grouped together! (one of the best ways of increasing humidity and a great excuse to buy more plants!)
Houseplants are most often killed by over watering so wait until the top inch or two of compost had dried out before you water again. Give less water in winter than in spring and summer when your plants are growing. Tap water is fine for most houseplants, but collect rainwater for orchids and carnivorous plants. Some plants, such as cyclamen and peperomia are better watered from below because their leaves rot if they get wet.
Give liquid houseplant feed when plants are actively growing and follow the instructions on the pack.
Ferns, orchids and tropical plants benefit from a daily misting with a hand-held water spray. Grouping plants on a tray of damp gravel will also provide a good micro-climate, and makes the plants look more interesting, and individual plants are often happiest sitting on a layer of damp gravel in their outer pot, so that there is always some water to draw up.
Pot on your plant to a larger container within a few weeks of purchase, and re-pot every year or so, preferably in spring or summer, into a free-draining container one size up.
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